Inferiority and Superiority Complex

(Excerpts from Satsang of Pujya Sant Shri Asaramji Bapu)

Life can become blissful if one remains careful about the feelings of superiority and inferiority that keep arising in the mind. Both these feelings cause our downfall. When we observe someone superior to us in wealth, occupation, social status or learning, we are beset with an inferiority complex. On the other hand, we feel conceited when we come across someone inferior to us.

But the humility of a devotee that manifests itself before God or God-realized Saints is altogether different from the feelings of inferiority complex entertained by worldly people. This is not inferiority but faith, blessedness and a way to show one's complete sense of surrender. It is a call of a loving heart' the humility expressed before God-realized Saints does in effect eliminate the worldly inferiority.

The inferiority felt for the want of worldly pleasures and the sense of superiority based on worldly accomplishments, both emanate from one's illusory identification with the body which spoils the antahkarana.

I am the consciousness that abides in the greatest president and also in the lowest peon. Thus when we consider ourselves to be the consciousness, the effects of inferiority and superiority are diminished. Whenever you feel anyone to be superior to you, know that person to be a manifestation of your own Self. Similarly, whenever you are overcome by a sense of pride, live in the Light of Self-knowledge. Your pride will vanish in a matter of seconds.

You don't have to live in a cave to get rid of feelings of inferiority or superiority. You only have to keep a constant watch on your actions.

Whenever you feel inferior or superior to somebody, remind yourself that this vice has crept in because you consider yourself to be the body and others to be separate from you. These feelings of inferiority and superiority must be destroyed if you want to be successful in life, and do true justice to the human birth.

'Abandon this inferiority complex; see your True Self.

You are pure Brahman, you were never born; you illuminate all that is seen.'

You yourself are pure consciousness, the eternal witness that illuminates all that you see. All that is experienced is but an illusion, a misrepresentation. The visible sights of this world always keep changing; every passing moment becomes a dream. If you assimilate this truth then you will succeed in weeding out the feelings of inferiority and superiority.

'When there remains no attachment towards the body with the realization of the Supreme Self, then irrespective of whatever object the mind is directed to, one experiences samadhi.' Then there is neither wretchedness nor haughtiness only complete peace prevails.

You yourself are pure consciousness, the eternal witness that illuminates all that you see. All that is experienced is but an illusion, a misrepresentation. The visible sights of this world always keep on changing; every moment becomes a dream. If you assimilate this truth then you will succeed in weeding out the feelings of inferiority and superiority.