Rishi Prasad
S adhna
Prakash is section of Rishi Prasad which introduces the reader with various methods
that one can adopt to reach his goal of salvation. Sanatana Dharma offers many
methods (sadhans) which a person can follow to attain salvation. Some of the
most famous methods are: Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and Dhyan Yoga. However these
methods are useless if the sadhak does not have the blessings of Guru upon him.
In Geeta, Lord Krishna asks Arjuna to "Be a Yogi", and describes the
virtues of a Yogi. Some people think that a true yogi can only be the one who
renounces everything and stays in caves and mountains and practice yoga.
Param Puj.
Asramji Bapu in His satsangs describes in details how in our daily life we can
practice the same Yoga which Lord Shri Krishna described to Arjuna in the
Geeta. Bapu ji advocates the idea of 'Sahaj Yoga', and says that to attain
salvation one need not go to the mountains and be a hermit or yogi or tapaswi.
By the grace of a Sadguru and Geeta Bhagwat satsang, one can practice Sahaj
Yoga even during work.
Excerpts from
"Sadhna Prakash" of Nov 2002 edition of bi-monthly English Rishi
Jet Age
This modern age
is known as the 'Jet age'. Whatever happens today occurs at a fast pace. We
have become 'fast' in worldly activities like cooking, washing, travelling,
communications, etc. in this fast age. So also, why should we not be 'fast' in
attaining Divine Bliss, Divine knowledge of the Lord? In the good old days,
life was peaceful; people enjoyed longevity. But today's man has neither the
piety nor the longevity nor the stamina to perform penance for years together.
Therefore, in this fast age, one should adopt 'fast' methods to attain
The following
are some beneficient precepts, which will enable one to attain Divine Bliss
Anyone who follows these three precepts and is
earnestly interested in Satsang and the study of scriptures, will speedily
march forward on the path of Supreme Good.
The Hindu style of living is simple and helps one to live a happy and healthy life. Apart from transforming one into a happy and healthy individual, the Hindu life style also bring one closer to God, and the five elements of nature.
But what is this Hindu style of living? How do we live such a happy and healthy lifestyle? Special sections of Rishi Prasad like Shastra Dohan help you answer these questions.
Excerpts from "Shastra Dohan" of Nov 2002 edition of bi-monthly English Rishi Prasad:
The Esoteric Meaning of Charity
If the donor doesn't experience felicity while giving, after having done some good, then the fruit of charity, the joy, evades him. The donation made under coercion doesn't yield happiness even in the heaven. So, charity has its own esoteric meaning. In this context, there is a narrative in the scriptures.
Once King Dharmaverma engaged in penance for a number of years to grasp the essence of charity. Pleased with him, an oracle from skies revealed the following shloka to him: "For charity, there are two pre-requisites, six motives, six limbs, two fruits, four types, three grades and three destroyers." The oracle didn't elaborate further on the meaning elespite being requested. So the King announced a huge reward for anyone who could elaborate. Hearing the King's announcement Naradji approached the King and volunteered with a reply. The detailed reply is continued in Rishi Prasad -119 but a brief synopses is presented here:
The King was satisfied with the reply and rewarded Naradji bounteously. Naradji was now on a look out for deserving recipient to whom he could distribute this reward. To find out how Naradji did this read Rishi Prasad 119.
Like a famous poet once said - "Lives of all great men remind us, that we can be also sublime." Every issue of Rishi Prasad brings a detailed life-sketch of a great saint in its Sant Charitra section. Incidents from the life of great saints help us strengthen our own resolve, and determination to proceed further on the path of enlightenment. The lives of these great saints inspire us and fill our hearts with the divine love of God. The thoughts of great saints are not ordinary, each and every action of theirs is an exceptional spiritual art, and each word spoken by them is a priceless gem worth treasuring.
Excerpts from "Sant Charitra" of Nov 2002 edition of bi-monthly English Rishi Prasad:
Pujneeya Sri Sri Maa Mehangiba
Commencing from
Issue 119 we will be featuring the life sketch of Pujneeya Sri Sri Maa
Mehangiba, the late mother of Pratah Smaraniya Sant Sri Asaramji Bapu.
Maa Mehangiba
has repeated history made millions of years back, during the glorious age of
Satyuga in the past, when Devahuti accepted her son Lord Kapil as a Guru. How
then was the life of this Santmata who presented to this world the rarest of
gems in the form of Pujyashree? How did she inculcate traits of spirituality in
Pujyashree? How did she bear the agony of separation from Pujyashree?
All this will
appear in the forthcoming issues. We hope the biography of Pujneeya Maa
Mehangiba, Revered Sri Amma, will prove to be a source of inspiration for every
mother in India.
Katha Prasang
Katha Prasang section of Rishi Prasad brings to you stories from the vedas, and Hindu mythology narrated by Bapu ji in his satsangs. These stories not only make good bed time stories for kids, but also help them learn important lessons in life. Children learn more about Hindu faiths and beliefs through stories, than by anything else.
Also at times these stories help us, the elder people, find answers to some of our own questions.
Excerpts from "Katha Prasang" of Nov 2002 edition of bi-monthly English Rishi Prasad:
The Glory of Saints
There lived a pious merchant named Ramanlal in the
village of Petlad near Nadiad in the state of Gujarat. Seth Ramanlal spent his
wealth, time and energy in the service of Saints. It was around 1950-52 A.D.
when Seth Ramanlal had to face downturn in his business. People started saying
that he had served the Saints so well and inspite of all this, he was facing
bankruptcy. In reality, Seth Ramanlal's business was facing depression because
of the market conditions and had no relationship with Satsang. However, due to
Satsang, Seth Ramanlal had enough understanding to withstand these adversities.
Hence, he went to a Saint by the name Narayan Muni and narrated his woes to
him. He told him how the recession had affected his business. As a consequence
depositors had lost trust in him and wanted to withdraw their deposits leaving
him with no choice but to file a bankruptcy plea.
To find out how
Narayan Muni saved Ramanlal's sinking business and extricated him from
difficulties read Rishi Prasad 119...
The Hindu style of living is simple and helps one to live a happy and healthy life. Apart from transforming one into a happy and healthy individual, the Hindu life style also bring one closer to God, and the five elements of nature. But what is this Hindu style of living? How do we live such a happy and healthy lifestyle?
Gyan Dipika is a section which introduces the effects of various events like: eclipses and full moons.
Excerpts from "Jivan Path Darshan" of Nov 2002 edition of bi-monthly English Rishi Prasad:
The Effect of Lunar Date and Eclipse
Moon is the presiding deity of the mind. Lunar days such as Full
Moon, New Moon and eight Moon days have an impact on tides. Consequently, they also
influence the water element and the seven Dhatus in our body.
One must not take meals during an eclipse. And a pregnant woman
should especially be more cautious during an eclipse.
Lord Shri Krishna tells Narad Muni, that sometimes I cannot be found in Vaikunth, and I even evade the hearts of yogis, but where my worshippers sing my praises and my name, I certainly can be found there." India is the holy land where great saints like Guru Nanak, Kabir, Tulsidas, Gautam Buddha and many more have taken birth, and taught us the ways to live a life which will bring us closer to the Brahm Tatva.
Sant Mahima section of Rishi Prasad, introduces us to the lives of these great saints.
Excerpts from "Sant Mahima" of Nov 2002 edition of bi-monthly English Rishi Prasad:
Anecdote 1:
In course of his
travels, Guru Nanak arrived in Sinhaldweep (presently known as Sri Lanka) to
deliver discourses. The King of Sinhaldweep was highly licentious. He tried his
utmost to ensnare Nanakji into sensual pleasures by sending a bevy of beauties
at the latter's residence. But, Nanakji was too well established in his inner
Self to be swayed by these beauties. The King then himself arrived at Nanakji's
residence to ascertain the reason for Nanakji's rather tepid response. Nanakji
then delivered to him some enlightening precepts which overwhelmed the King. To
read more about these see Rishi Prasad issue no. 119.
Anecdote 2:
This anecdote
describes the lofty spiritual height which Chandu carpenter, one of Guru
Nanakji's disciple had scaled and how he through his prophesy kindled faith in
life of a poor person who was seeking a Guru. Even those who subjugate their
wish to that of the Guru do such wondrous works that it leaves the people stunned.
What then can one say about the Guru himself? To read more about this anecdote
see issue 119.
Yuva Jagriti Sandesh, section of Rishi Prasad, is focused on young aspirants or students who are the foundation of building a strong nation. This section gives the stress on building strong character setting up high moral values.
Excerpts from "Yuva Jagruti Sandesh" of Nov 2002 edition of bi-monthly English Rishi Prasad:
Devotion Right from the
This article emphasizes on the need to cultivate devotion right from the
childhood. The article highlights certain incidents in Guru Nanakji's life to
support this viewpoint. The article concludes with the following quote from our
scriptures. "There is no certainty as to when the breath ceases (i.e. when
death will arrive). Therefore, one should, from one's heart, chant the Lord's
name, meditate upon Lord Hari and try to attain Supreme Knowledge right from
childhood itself. For details see issue 119.
Use your own language
Once, Swami Vivekananda was delivering a lecture to some youths, at Midnapur.
The youths suddenly shouted, "Hip Hip Hurrah".
Swami Vivekananda was furious and asked the
students to shut up. Margaret Noble (well known as Sister Nivedita) an Irish
lady and a disciple of Swami Vivekananda, who was present there, advised the
students to applaud the lecture in their own language rather than doing so in
English. The articles goes on to state that it is lamentable that Englishmen
have left the country, but the English language has not. And it further appeals
to all the citizens of free India to heed to Sister Nivedita's advice and use
their own language.
Sant Shri Asaramji Bapu preaches in His satsangs that it is very important for the society to recognize and respect the status of women. Since ancient time, Hindus have respected women as mother, sister, and respectable vidushis. Vidushi Gargi and Maytreyi were two of the most famous learned women in Indian history. When it comes to ultimate worship and devotion, Lord Krishna's devotee Meerabai and Lord Ram's devotee Bheelan are some of the best examples.
Nari Tu Narayani is a section which brings to you the stories of such great women of India.
Excerpts from "Jivan Path Darshan" of Nov 2002 edition of bi-monthly English Rishi Prasad:
The Resoluteness of Mirabai
Finding Meerabai to be ardently devoted to the Lord, the members of the Royal Household, and in particular Vikram Rana, were piqued with her. Meerabai used to regularly organize spiritual gatherings at her place and the participants would sway in ecstastic delight. In one such gathering, Emperor Akbar himself came disguised as a commoner and presented a pearl necklace to Meerabai. When Vikram Rana learnt about this he was furious. He approached Meerabai with he intention of slaying her. But now old the Lord intervene and save her -read more about this in Rishi Prasad Issue 119.
The Hindu style of living is simple and helps one to live a happy and healthy life. Apart from transforming one into a happy and healthy individual, the Hindu life style also bring one closer to God, and the five elements of nature.
But what is this Hindu style of living? How do we live such a happy and healthy lifestyle?
Jivan Path Darshan is a section which gives us the answers to such questions and tells us the importance of certain events in our lives. This section tells us what should we do on these events to transform our life into an infinite celebration.
Excerpts from "Jivan Path Darshan" of Nov 2002 edition of bi-monthly English Rishi Prasad:
Utpatti Ekadashi
In response to a query raised by Yudhishtir, Lord Krishna narrates an ancient story, which traces the origin of Ekadashi (the auspicious eleventh moon day).
In Satyuga there lived a terrifying demon by the name Mura. The wicked Giant had defeated even Indra, the King of Gods driven out all gods from heaven and appointed others in the place of 'Agni', 'Surya', 'Chandrama', 'Vayu' and 'Varuna'. Tormented by Mura, the gods approached Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva directed them to Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu was terribly enraged when he heard about the terror unleashed by Mura. He lead the Gods to Amravati, the abode of the demon. Here, a battle took place for 1000 divine years in which all the gods were vanquished. Lord Vishnu too retired to repose in a cave at Badrikashram. Mura was hotly pursuing Lord Vishnu. He reached the cave where Lord Vishnu was reposing and was delighted as he now had the opportunity to slay Vishnu unhampered. Just as he was about to do so, a divine maiden sprung from Lord Vishnu's form. She was armed to teeth, beautiful and valorous. She challanged Mura for a duel and defeated him with a mere grunt of hers. The divine maiden was none other than Ekadashi. When Vishnu woke up, he was extremely pleased with what Ekadashi had done. He granted her a boon through which one observing vow of Ekadashi would enable on to get rid of all sins and attain siddhis. Read more about this in Rishi Prasad issue 119 to find out how the vow of Ekadashi should be observed.
Sanskriti Darshan is a section which has lot of contemporary relevance. Today as westernization of India is preventing its youth to realize the rich wealth of Indian culture, this section tries to revive the spirit of Indian culture and tell the relavance and importance of various Hindu practices.
Excerpts from "Sanskriti Darshan" of Nov 2002 edition of bi-monthly English Rishi Prasad:
... And the Temple Demolition was Averted
Lust, anger and greed impelled Aurangzeb to perpetrate injustice, demolish temples and torment people. Eventually, the wretched fellow went to Kashi and harassed Sant Tulsidasji. He intended to demolish the temple of Lord Vishwanath (Shiva) there. At that time Tulsidsji was present in the temple precincts. Aurangazeb heaped abuses upon abuses on Tulsidasji but Tulsidasji was not to be provoked. He threatened Tulsidasji, he asked him to either to get converted to Islam or perform a miracle. But Tulsidasji didn't relent, so Aurangzeb threatened to demolish the temple. To find out how Tulsidasji saved the temple from being demolished see Issue 119.
Ayurveda is the ancient Indian Vedic science of medicine and healthy living. the western world has now recognized this wealth of Ayurveda, calling it the alternative medicine, but the Indian saints knew this science for a long time. How else could the hermits and saints stay in caves and jungles, without proper clothing, and facilities, surviving through the rough weather conditions. It was their self control, and practce of Ayurveda which kept them healthy and happy all the time.
Svasthya Sanjivani
introduces to you some important aspects of Ayurveda, which you can practice in
your day-to-day life to live a happy and healthy life.
Excerpts from
"Svasthya Sanjivani" of Nov 2002 edition of bi-monthly English Rishi
Health care in Hemant
Two months of winter season, Margshish and Paush, are called Hemant. It marks
the ending phase of winter solstice and such is called Visarg Kaal (transition
period). The lunar force is dominant over the solar force in this season. So,
the nourishment of medicinal herbs, trees, earth, the flora and the fauna takes
place in an abundant measure in this season.
In winter, the jathragni (digestive fire) is
intensified. Therefore, nutritious and invigorating diet taken in this season
provides lustre, strength and nourishment to the body throughout the year. What
diet should a normal person take in this season for good health? How should one
protect one's body against diseases? To find out, read issue 119.