(Sharad/Kojagari Purnima)
The Kojagar vrata falls on the full moon day of the month of Aashwina. One should take a bath in the appropriate manner, observe a fast and maintain complete continence on this day. If one can afford it, a gold-idol of Goddess Laxmi, adorned in proper clothing, should be installed on an earthen or copper pitcher and then worshipped in the manner prescribed by the scriptures. In the evening, after moonrise, one should light one hundred gold, silver or earthen lamps using ghee. Then one should prepare plenty of Khir mixed with ghee and sugar. The Khir should be poured into several vessels and exposed to the moonlight. After exposing the Khir to the moonlight for three hours, one should offer it to Goddess Laxmi. Then the Khir should be served with due reverence to pious Brahmins. One should remain awake that night engaged in singing devotional songs and other auspicious activities. In the morning one should take a bath and offer the gold-idol of Goddess Laxmi to a preceptor.
On this day Goddess Laxmi moves around the world at midnight, with boons and assurance of protection, resolving, ?Who is awake on earth? I will grant wealth to one who is awake worshiping me at this hour.?
This vrata is observed every year and it pleases Goddess Laxmi immensely. Propitiated with this fast, Goddess Laxmi grants one prosperity in this world and a supremely elevated state in the next.
-(Narada Purana)